10 Easy Ways to Improve Your Brochure Copy

A brochure can serve many purposes. It can be a single, all-compassing piece about your organization in general that you hand out to customers and prospects at trade shows. It can be a sales tool that your account people take with them to client meetings or that’s included in your direct mail packages. It can focus on a special offer or be geared toward a particular target market. There are countless ways to use a brochure to get the word out about your business.
But what’s the best way to write a brochure? What tips and techniques are important to keep in mind when putting words to paper? Here are 10 easy ways to improve your brochure copy, whether you’re writing it yourself or working with a copywriter.
Have A Road Map In Mind.
There are so many questions you need to ask before you write your new brochure.
- Who is your audience?
- What is your objective?
- How will the brochure be used?
- What size is it?
- What is your unique selling proposition (USP), the one thing about your organization that makes it different – and better – than the competition?
Use this roadmap to compose your copy. By understanding the purpose of your brochure, it will be easier to plot what the content will be.
Make Sure It Tracks.
It doesn’t matter what format it is – tri-fold, accordion fold, gate-fold – when you’re writing your brochure, make sure your words flow in a logical sequence. This is called tracking. Put yourself in the shoes of your the reader. Make sure it’s clear on the front cover the content will be on the inside. Tell a compelling sales story with a beginning, middle, and end.
Write Headlines That Command Attention.
Your headlines should grab readers from the get-go, convincing them to believe in what you have to offer and inspiring them to take action. Give them the incentive to continue reading. Tell your audience what’s in it for them. Lead them through your brochure, panel by panel, by asking questions, making promises, previewing what’s to come next.
Avoid Industry Jargon.
While it’s tempting to use big words to show off your knowledge, that might only end up putting off your audience. Resist the urge to use words such as “scalable,” “robust” and “leverage.” Instead, write in plain, simple terms, as though you were having a conversation with someone.
Use Bold Subeads to Break Up Long Copy Blocks.
Don’t risk tiring the eyes of your readers. Break up long copy with short, bold subheads that either preview what they’re about to read or actually summarize the content. That way, they’ll be able to scan your brochure at-a-glance.
Include Bullet Points.
Another smart way to break up your copy is to use bullet points or numbers (like I’ve used in this article). Not only does this make it easy for your audience to digest a lot of content in a short period of time, it calls attention to key copy points.
Write Captions For Your Pictures
In your written descriptions, don’t just claim something is the biggest, fastest or best in its class. Tell your readers what that means to them. For instance, if you sell business cards, the features may include colors, paper stock and price. But the benefit to a prospective customer is that they’re so good they’ll stand out from all the rest, helping him or her to land a new job, win new business and enjoy a more successful career.
Turn Features Into Benefits
In your written descriptions, don’t just claim something is the biggest, fastest or best in its class. Tell your readers what that means to them. For instance, if you sell business cards, the features may include colors, paper stock and price. But the benefit to a prospective customer is that they’re so good they’ll stand out from all the rest, helping him or her to land a new job, win new business and enjoy a more successful career.
Include Testimonials
What others have to say about you, your products and services speaks volumes. It’s social proof, the credibility you need to succeed in business. Ask your most satisfied customers to write a few sentences of praise for you. These testimonials will go a long way toward enhancing your reputation and backing up any claims you make about what you have to offer.
Don’t Forget A Call To Action And Contact Information
Whatever you cover elsewhere, always close with a strong call to action, asking readers to take some form of action – call, write, click, etc. – in order to do business with you. And don’t forget to list your contact information on the back of the brochure, including where to find you on Facebook, Twitter and other social media properties, too.