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5 Ways to Integrate Postcard Marketing Into Your Multi-Channel Strategy

Written by Nemilou Despuez    ●    Published on May 1, 2024

Postcard marketing can help you reach your target audience with promotional print pieces like announcements, coupons, and discounts. However, did you know it also integrates well with other marketing channels like social media, websites, and emails?

5 Ways to Integrate Postcard Marketing Into Your Multi-Channel Strategy

1. Social Media

When integrating your postcard marketing campaign with social media, ideally, the prospects receiving the postcards are also your online followers or subscribers. With repeated and frequent exposure of your brand across multiple channels, you'll have more opportunities for customer engagement and conversion success.

Here are some additional tips on how you can integrate your postcard marketing with social media platforms:

  • If you're announcing an event on Facebook or other similar platforms, you can give people the option to receive a formal invitation in the form of a postcard.
  • Combine social media ads with direct mail. Postcards are ideal because they have similar design requirements as social media ads: Both are highly visual and must contain a short, focused message and a CTA (call-to-action).
  • Include social media hashtags in your postcards to encourage readers to follow your brand for more information or to access exclusive promotions and offers.
  • Don't limit your announcement to social media if you're running a social contest. Make sure that you also send a physical invitation to your customers. Additionally, consider adding a QR code or URL on your cards that directs people to your platform.
  • Include positive social media reviews and testimonials on your postcards to build trust and attract new customers.

2. Loyalty Programs

Your loyalty program can attract attention and drive response if you send customers a personalized and relevant postcard.

Personalizing a direct mail piece, such as postcards, will encourage recipients to read/open them. In fact, The Next in Personalization 2021 Report suggests that 71% of consumers expect brands to deliver personalized interactions, while 76% get frustrated when companies fall short in this aspect.

These are the two ways you can complement personalized postcard marketing with your loyalty program:

  • Send a quick thank-you postcard to encourage repeat business. For more impact, include a VIP customer coupon on your card to help you track the effectiveness and response rate of your campaign.
  • Promote special event dates and in-store sales with the use of attention-grabbing postcards. Make sure you highlight your offers and discounts in your copy.

3. QR Codes

Using QR codes in postcards is an excellent way to share relevant information without taking up extra space. As a result, you have more flexibility in the overall print design of your cards.

Giving the audience easy and quick access to information via QR codes not only promotes smooth interaction but also nurtures brand loyalty and engagement.

Here are some best practices when including QR codes on your postcard.

  • When you need to use two or more QR codes, place them on the opposite ends of your layout and vary the designs. Note that placing them close to each other may cause your customers to scan the wrong one.
  • Place the QR codes in a prominent, visible area.
  • Include QR codes on your postcard if you're running a contest or announcing promotions to give your recipients quick access to pertinent information.
  • Consider adding helpful instructions like "scan here to get your voucher" or "scan here for the exact directions to our store."

4. Email

Did you know that direct mail has higher customer engagement and response rates compared with other marketing channels? According to The Future of Direct Mail, 2023 published by SG360, 76% of marketers reported higher conversion rates through direct mail than any other channel.

The same research showed that 81% of consumers said they engaged with 20% or more of the physical mail they received. For this reason, dynamic brands integrate their email marketing into their postcard marketing.

To create this perfect fusion of email and postcard marketing, follow the best practices below:

  • Your postcards' designs and messaging should reflect your brand identity. Consistency across multiple channels can reinforce brand awareness and loyalty.
  • The content of your postcards should complement or support the goal of your email campaigns. The key is to create a reinforcing effect, making your message more memorable and impactful.
  • Use trackable elements (e.g., QR codes or URLs) on your postcards to gather valuable data and monitor customer engagement.
  • The delivery of your postcards should align with your email campaigns. For example, you can send a postcard a few days before a promotional email about your company's special offers or limited-time deals.
  • Consider using recurring postcards to remind customers of your ongoing events or promotions. Depending on your budget and marketing goals, you can deliver cards monthly, every three months, or twice a year.

5. Website and Online Store

Use postcards as a follow-up to keep your brand top of mind. For instance, you can send a thank-you postcard to customers who have just bought from your online shop.

Even if your brand sells digital products (e.g., software and eBooks) or subscription services, postcards remain helpful in building interest and enticing people to become paying customers.

A postcard is also a great way to complement your online announcement of a new product to an existing customer base. By integrating direct mail marketing with your websites and online stores, you can improve customer engagement and response.

And lastly, make sure your postcards include references to your websites and online stores and encourage recipients to visit these platforms.


Now that you know how postcards can take your multichannel marketing to the next level, make sure you work closely with a printing specialist who can provide you with eye-catching, durable cards with accurate colors and designs. If you’re looking for quality postcards with fast turnaround, offers professional postcard printing in a variety of materials and finishes that suit any budget.

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